
B. Canada Provincial Nominee Program

B. Canada Provincial Nominee Program

The Canada Provincial Nominee Program enables provinces and territories to nominate immigrants wanting to live, settle, and work in a specific province. Candidates select a province for nomination, applying through the Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP). PNPs facilitate immigration for individuals/families interested in settling in a particular province.

Each Canadian Province and territory has a different selection system points system and other factors. To apply as a provincial nominee, you must:

  • Meet the minimum requirements of one of the provinces or territories.
  • Be nominated under the provincial nomination program:

Choose a province or territory

  1. Alberta
  2. British Columbia
  3. Manitoba
  4. New Brunswick
  5. Newfoundland and Labrador
  6. Northwest Territories
  7. Nova Scotia
  8. Ontario
  9. Prince Edward Island
  10. Saskatchewan
  11. Yukon

The criteria by province and territory vary and can change without notice.

1. Alberta PNP Program

The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) nominates people for permanent residence in Alberta. Nominees must have skills and abilities to fill job shortages in Alberta, and be able to provide for their families:

Alberta Opportunity Stream (AOS)
  • Applicants must have a valid Job Offer (LMIA approved) or Temporary work permit requirements.
  • Occupation must be on a National Occupational Classification (NOC) level 0, A, B, C, or D.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate ability in English and/or French with a score minimum of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4.
Alberta Express Entry Stream

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) under the new AINP Express Entry stream.

This stream allows the Government of Alberta to nominate eligible candidates from Canada’s Express Entry system. A successful nomination under this stream results in 600 additional Comprehensive Ranking System points.

  • Have an active Express Entry profile in the federal Express Entry pool;
  • Have stated an interest in immigrating permanently to Alberta;
  • Are working in an occupation that supports Alberta’s economic development and diversification; and
  • Have a minimum CRS score of 300.

2. British Columbia

British Columbia’s economic growth depends on having enough skilled and qualified people to meet labor market needs. The BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is a way for high-demand foreign workers and experienced entrepreneurs to gain permanent residency in B.C.

Skills Worker Immigration
  • Have a valid Job Offer (LMIA Approved) full full-time employment
  • Have at least two years of directly related full-time (or full-time equivalent) work experience in the skilled occupation
  • Occupation must be on a National Occupational Classification (NOC) level 0, A, B, C, or D.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate ability in English and/or French with a score minimum of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4.
Express Entry British Columbia

Express Entry candidates are required to meet minimum provincial eligibility criteria for one of the following categories under the BC PNP

  • Full-time indeterminate job offer* from an eligible B.C. employer
  • Occupation must be on a National Occupational Classification (NOC) Skill Level 0, A or B
  • Candidate must meet minimum income requirements

3. Manitoba

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) seeks recent graduates, skilled workers, businesspeople, and their families with the intention and ability to successfully settle and economically establish in Manitoba as permanent residents. Manitoba makes it easy to immigrate settle and work in Manitoba. There are two streams:

Skilled Workers in Manitoba

The MPNP for Skilled Workers in Manitoba nominates applicants who have a strong connection to our province through ongoing employment and sufficient skills, education and training, work experience, and official language proficiency to make an immediate and ongoing contribution to the Manitoba economy and our community at large.

Skilled Workers Overseas

The MPNP for Skilled Workers Overseas nominates applicants who demonstrate an established connection to Manitoba through:

  • The support of family members or friends;
  • Through previous education or work experience in the province; or
  • Through an invitation to apply received directly from the MPNP as part of a strategic recruitment initiative.

4. New Brunswick

NBPNP is a provincial immigration program made possible through an agreement with the Government of Canada. As an economic program, the NBPNP selects, and nominates, qualified business people and skilled workers from around the world who will live in New Brunswick and contribute to the local economy.

NBPNP Skilled Workers with Employer Support Stream
  • You score a minimum of 50 points in the selection factors.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate ability in English and/or French
  • Applicants must provide a valid full-time Job Offer from a New Brunswick Employer in the National Occupation Classification skills level O, A, B, C, and D.
NBPNP Express Entry Labour Market Stream (Skilled Workers)
  • The applicant is currently LIVING and WORKING in New Brunswick, and a letter of employment from the employer must be included with the EOI
  • The NOC Code for this current employment is for a position that matches NOC Level 0, A, or B
  • The applicant has valid language test scores (IELTS, CELPIP, or TEF Canada) with scores equivalent to CLB 7
  • The applicant has a valid Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) which attests to the minimum equivalent of a Canadian High School diploma:
NBPNP Skilled Worker with Family Support
  • You are between 22 and 50 years of age
  • You have at least two years of continuous full-time work experience within the last five years, in your intended occupation in New Brunswick in the National Occupation Classification skills level O, A, B, C, and D.
  • The applicant has valid language test scores (IELTS, CELPIP, or TEF Canada) with scores equivalent to CLB level 4.
New Brunswick Atlantic Immigration Pilot Project
  • The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Project (Pilot) is employer-driven and intended to help employers find permanent workers to fill labor market needs.
  • Employers looking to fill labor gaps through the Pilot must first be approved for eligibility by being designated and then have their positions endorsed by the Province.
  • You must have a job offer from an Atlantic employer
  • Have at least a Canadian high school diploma or equivalent education
  • Take language test to show your ability to communicate in English or French
  • Show your ability to support yourself and your family in Canada.

5. Newfoundland and Labrador

The Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program is an economic immigration program designed to assist skilled immigrants and their families to come and live and work in Newfoundland and Labrador. Applicants must meet certain criteria such as having a job or job offer, the ability to economically establish and the intent to reside in the province, to be nominated for permanent residency. This program provides applicants with a dedicated immigration officer who will remain available to explain the program requirements and processes until nominees receive their permanent residence status.

New Foundland Atlantic Immigration Pilot Project
  • The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Project (Pilot) is employer-driven and intended to help employers find permanent workers to fill labor market needs.
  • Employers looking to fill labor gaps through the Pilot must first be approved for eligibility by being designated and then have their positions endorsed by the Province.
  • You must have a job offer from an Atlantic employer
  • Have at least a Canadian high school diploma or equivalent education
  • Take language test to show your ability to communicate in English or French
  • Show your ability to support yourself and your family in Canada.

6. Northwest Territories

The Northwest Territories Nominee Program can help foreign nationals and their families make the beautiful Northwest Territories their permanent home. There are many opportunities here.

The NTNP accepts applications under two programs, one of which has three distinct streams:

Northwest Territories Employer Driven Program:

  • Express Entry System for Skilled Workers
  • Skilled Worker
  • Critical Impact Worker

7. Nova Scotia

The Skilled Worker stream helps employers recruit foreign workers and recently graduated international students whose skills are needed in Nova Scotia. An employer can only hire foreign workers for positions they have been unable to fill with permanent residents or Canadian citizens.

Nova Scotia Atlantic Immigration Pilot Project
  • Employers looking to fill labor gaps through the Pilot must first be approved for eligibility by being designated and then have their positions endorsed by the Province.
  • You must have a job offer from an Atlantic employer
  • Have at least a Canadian high school diploma or equivalent education
  • Take language test to show your ability to communicate in English or French
  • Show your ability to support yourself and your family in Canada.
Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities
  • Have French as their first official language and have a Canadian Language Benchmark score of 7 and English as a second official language with a Canadian Language Benchmark score of 5.
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree OR have completed a program of three or more years at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute.
  • Have an active profile in the IRCC Express System.
Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry
  • Category A (for applicants with a job offer) will remain open.
  • Category B (for applicants with experience in an opportunity occupation)
  • Have an active profile in the IRCC Express System.
  • Have a valid full-time job offer approved by LIMIA from ESDC from Nova Scotia Employer OR
  • Have at least 1 year of skilled work experience in one of our target occupations;
  • Have a Canadian high school credential or equivalent;
  • Prove language ability in English or French at Canadian Language Benchmark 7;
  • Score 67 points or more on the stream’s six selection factors
Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry
  • Have at least 1 year of work experience in Nova Scotia;
  • Be 21 to 55 years old;
  • Have a Canadian high school credential or equivalent;
  • Prove language ability in English or French on the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB). You need CLB 7 for skilled work in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 0 and A. You need CLB 5 for NOC B positions;
  • Have an active profile in the Express System

8. Ontario

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program

The Ontario Immigration Nominee Program (OINP) allows foreign workers, international students, and others with the right skills, experience and education to apply for a nomination for permanent residence in Ontario. Ontario is Canada’s most popular landing destination for immigrants from around the world

There are several categories of Nominees:

OINP Human Capital Priorities Stream
Minimum Eligibility Requirements:
  • Candidate must score at least 400+ points on CRS. If you score more on CRS then there will be a higher chance to get nominated.
  • Must have sufficient work experience in the selected job code.
  • Occupation must be on a NOC level 0, A, or B within five years before the date of the NOI from OINP.
  • Have a valid Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, PhD Degree, or any equivalent certificate. It is also required to have an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report by the relevant authority.
Ontario French Skilled Worker Program

The OINP identifies potential candidates who meet the criteria of Ontario’s French-speaking skilled Worker Stream from the Express Entry Pool system

Minimum Eligibility Requirements:
  • Candidates applying through the FSWP must meet the pass mark of 67 points based on IRCC’s Federal Skilled Worker selection factors: language skills, education, work experience, age, arranged employment in Canada, and adaptability.
  • Demonstrate a language proficiency level of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 or higher in French(TEF) and a CLB 6 or higher in English in all four components (speaking, reading, writing, and listening) IELTS General /CELPIP.
  • Have a valid Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, PhD Degree, or any equivalent certificate. It is also required to have an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report by the relevant authority.
  • Occupation must be on a NOC level 0, A, or B within five years before the date of the NOI from OINP.
    • General Category (Employer Category)
    • International Students Masters and PhD Graduates
    • International Student Stream Employer Job Offer
    • Foreign Worker with Job Offer Stream

9. Prince Edward Island

The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) nominates individuals to the federal government for permanent residency. Individuals are chosen based on their ability to economically establish themselves and their intent to live and work in PEI

PEI Express Entry

To be eligible for nomination through PEI Express Entry, you must:

  • Meet the requirements of at least one of the Federal Economic Immigration programs:
    • Federal Skilled Worker Program;
    • Federal Skilled Trades Program; or
    • Canadian Experience Class
  • Have a Federal Express Entry Profile and be placed in the pool of candidates.
  • PEI Express Entry has 2 categories; have a job offer from PEI or Not
PEI Atlantic Immigration Pilot Project

Employers looking to fill labor gaps through the Pilot must first be approved for eligibility by being designated and then have their positions endorsed by the Province.

  • You must have a job offer from an Atlantic employer
  • Have at least a Canadian high school diploma or equivalent education
  • Take language test to show your ability to communicate in English or French
  • Show your ability to support yourself and your family in Canada.
PEI Skilled Workers outside Canada
  • Have a full-time long-term (i.e. Permanent or minimum of two years) job offer from a PEI employer in National Occupation Classification (NOC) skill level 0, A, or B
  • Have at least two years of full-time work experience in the past five years;
  • Have completed a post-secondary degree or diploma (minimum two-year program);
  • Have language ability in English or French with a minimum score of CLB/NCLC 4

10. Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP)

The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) offers you a way to immigrate to Canada.  Through the SINP, Saskatchewan invites residency applications from non-Canadians who want to make Saskatchewan their home; and nominates successful applicants to the federal government, so they can gain permanent residency in Canada.

Through this category, the SINP can nominate skilled workers who want to live and work in Saskatchewan. You’ll need to meet the SINP criteria and have factors that will help you settle successfully in Saskatchewan, including but not limited to: education, skilled work experience, and English or French Language ability.

  • International Skilled Worker: Employment Offer
  • International Skilled Worker: Occupation In-Demand
  • International Skilled Worker: Saskatchewan Express Entry

11. Yukon Nominee Program (YNP)

The Yukon Nominee Program (YNP) is the Yukon’s Provincial Nominee Program. Through this program, prospective immigrants with the skills and experience targeted by the territory may receive a Yukon Provincial Nomination Certificate, after which they can apply for Canadian permanent residence with the Government of Canada

  • Yukon Express Entry (YEE)

Skilled Worker

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